Sunday, March 18, 2012

I absolutely HATE this mascara.  I don't usually wear waterproof.  I like to put on about 10 layers of mascara which is hard to do with waterproof as it clumps alot easier.  The reason I have it is because I convinced my mom to branch out from her same mascara..... oops.  She hated the wand and told me it clumps too much.  I said I'd take it and give it a try.  Right away I knew it was a throw away.  I've been trying to wear it for about a week now. 
It DOES NOT dry fast.  It takes more than 5 minutes to try.  I end up with mascara below my bottom eyelashes as well as on top of my eyelids.  I do quite a few cleanup jobs until it finally dries. 
My eyelashes STICK together because it stays wet for so long.  Worse than any waterproof mascara I have ever tried.  Rimmel brags about the fact it comes off as easily as any regular mascara..... so how waterproof is it??? 

One product I can rave about is the Maybelline falsies mascara. 
I have heard reviews on the waterproof not staying on very well.  I LOVE the regular one though.  I put layers and layers on and if by chance it does start to clumb, I use my tweezers to separate the eyelashes.  I absolutely love this mascara and WILL buy it again.

So our 100 year old home we moved into has actually been fairly cosy.  We have ripped up 2 carpets so far.  We ripped up the carpet in the hallway leading up to the stairs as well as the one in our bedroom.  They're old and so full of dust and mildew that we could feel the difference in our breathing.  We've taken down all the old dust filled curtains as well.  We're not totally unpacked and set up as we've been both working crazy hours right now.   Things are slowly getting done.  
Today has been our first day off in 2 weeks!
Time for a glass of my favourite red wine right now.

I had been sticking to my 4 favourite brands, Jackson Triggs, Painted Turtle, Copper Moon and Yellow Tail.  Merlot was always my preference. 
Sheldon urged me to take a chance and try new bottles.  Since then I have tried many brands.  I usually try to take a picture of what I have tried so that I can keep note of which ones I liked and which I wasn't too fond of. 
This one has been my ultimate favourite so far. 

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